Secondhand Books: Oxfam Secondhand Bookshop #2

Last October, I did a blog post about Oxfam Secondhand Bookshop. This blog post is going to be another book haul. I actually purchased these book in January, I’ve been meaning to do a blog post about this for a while now. I’ve been buying way too many books recently – but I’m definitely going to take a break on the spending now and read some that I already own!

The next books I obtain will probably be for my Birthday, which is March 21st. I purchased all these books from my local Oxfam store. They’re all used and pre-loved, but I personally think that makes them more special, and I highly recommend to all of you reading this that you purchase books from your local charity shop – it really does help!

So, here’s my haul:


ttyl & l8r, g8r by Lauren Myracle – This is the first & Third book in the Internet Girls series – A$3 each

Audacious author Lauren Myracle accomplishes something of a literary miracle in her second young-adult novel, ttyl (Internet instant messaging shorthand for “talk to you later”), as she crafts an epistolary novel entirely out of IM transcripts between three high-school girls.

I picked up this book for a couple of different reasons. The first being that the idea of it being written entirely in IM form was somewhat interesting you me, secondly, it is a challenged/banned book and I always come across that in challenges. I’m not sure if this is something I would enjoy reading though, if not I’ll just re-donate them to Oxfam.

The Artemis Fowl Files: Confidential by Eoin Colfer – A$3

Artemis Fowl’s confidential files have been discovered in his safe at Fowl Manor. Now you too can share the secrets! The Artemis Fowl Files will delight Eoin Colfer’s legions of fans with its behind-the-scenes interviews with the much-loved characters including: Holly Short, Mulch Diggums, and Artemis Fowl. Two brand-new Artemis Fowl short stories including:

“LEPrecon,” the story of Fairy Police Captain Holly Short’s move from Traffic to Recon following her initiation into the Fairy Police, and “The Seventh Dwarf,” featuring the flatulent dwarf Mulch Diggums, Butler, and Artemis himself.

A “Fairy Spotter” Guide detailing the fairy world. Learn all about the physical characteristics and countless personality traits of the various fairy categories including: elves, trolls, sprites, pixies, goblins, and more.


This a companion book to the Artemis Fowl series. The book contains two short stories. The rest of the book is comprised of “notes” from Artemis Fowl’s files on the fairy folk — the fairy code and a key to decode it and interviews with the main characters.

That Summer by Sarah Dessen – A$2.50

For fifteen-year-old Haven, life is changing too quickly. She’s nearly six feet tall, her father is getting remarried, and her sister—the always perfect Ashley—is planning a wedding of her own. Haven wishes things could just go back to the way they were. Then an old boyfriend of Ashley’s re-enters the picture, and through him, Haven sees the past for what it really was, and comes to grips with the future.


15-year-old Haven has always thought of the past with fond memories. She continuously retreats to favourite memories, not realizing that they might be jaded from reality. I’ve heard a lot about Sarah Dessen, but I have never read any of her books. I’d heard a lot of brilliant things about this author, and it had been on my wish list for a while. I read about 40 pages of this and then put it down. It wasn’t badly written but I just could. I’ll talk more about why I didn’t like this book soon, so stay tuned for that!

The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky – A$2.50

Charlie is a freshman. And while he’s not the biggest geek in the school, he is by no means popular. Shy, introspective, intelligent beyond his years yet socially awkward, he is a wallflower, caught between trying to live his life and trying to run from it. Charlie is attempting to navigate his way through uncharted territory: the world of first dates and mixed tapes, family dramas and new friends; the world of sex, drugs, and The Rocky Horror Picture Show, when all one requires is that perfect song on that perfect drive to feel infinite. But Charlie can’t stay on the sideline forever. Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

This novel is about a teenage boy named Charlie, who struggles to fit in at his high school. He slowly builds friendships around a group of teenagers who are a little older than him. We see Charlie develop as a person and see deep into his thoughts because this book is written as a series of letters to an unidentified friend. I read this a few years ago, you can read my review HERE. I have the Film Tie-in Edition, so I wanted a proper edition and I really like this cover.

Tom Sawyer Abroad by Samuel Clemens/A Dog of Flanders by Louis De La Ramee – Companion Library Edition – A$2

A Dog Of Flanders And Other Stories:

The appealing story of an imaginative little boy, a loving old man, and a great faithful dog, all living together in poverty and love, has been a favourite for many years.

Tom Sawyer Abroad:

Here is one of Samuel Clemens’ most beloved characters-and indeed one of the most delightful boys in all of literature-in another exciting and hilarious adventure.


Tom Sawyer Detective by Samuel Clemens/Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson – Companion Library Edition – A$2

Black Beauty by Anna Sewell/The Call of the Wild by Jack London – Companion Library Edition – A$2

The total I paid for these 8 books was A$20 so if you have an Oxfam bookshop near you then definitely pop in because you don’t know what you’ll find & you are also giving to charity!

So I’ve gone a little classics mad as of late. I’ve bought quite a few Classics this past few months. I hope you enjoyed this post. If you have any suggestions for what you would like to see, please leave a comment below as I am a bit in a blogging slump and do not know what to post about next.

Happy reading!

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