TBR Takedown 5.0 Wrap-Up

If you read my TBR Takedown 5.0 | The Pile Post, You’d know I participated in the TBR Takedown 5.0 Read-A-Thon this month. There are 5 Challenges given, and the goal was to complete all five challenges. I managed to read 3 out of the 5 books I set for myself in TBR Takedown and 2 extras. HereContinue reading “TBR Takedown 5.0 Wrap-Up”

The Sunday Post #10 | TBR Takedown 5.0 – 12/02/2017

The Sunday post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news – A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. LastContinue reading “The Sunday Post #10 | TBR Takedown 5.0 – 12/02/2017”

TBR Takedown 5.0 | The Pile

I’ve decided to Participate in TBR Takedown this week. TBR Takedown is a read-a-thon hosted Shannon @ leaninglights by running on Twitter from February 6-12, 2017. TBR Takedown 5.0, will start at midnight on Monday 6th February and run through until 11:59pm on Sunday 12th. The goal is to read a few of the books on our ever-expanding TBR piles.Continue reading “TBR Takedown 5.0 | The Pile”